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Forward Unto FEST!!!

by D Workman

 The Fest in Gainesville Florida is considered by many to be the best punk festival in the United States if not the world. Folks from everywhere make the yearly trek to partake in 3 days of music, community and comraderie. I thought it might be fun to interview some of my and your favorite attendees, their bands, their brands, and see what makes this such a special event in the hearts and minds of so many. I'll try to get as many in as i can and hopefully convey a little of the joy it evokes!

Without further ado:

Tell everyone who you are, what you do, and where you're doing it from when not at FEST.

Hello! My names Jordan Peck, I’m from Las Vegas, Nevada. I’m not in a band but all my friends are so that’s always been real cool knowing so many talented people and friends in my life

Awesome! I know the feeling!

How many times have you FESTed?

I believe this will be my 5th? 6th? time going

Who are you most excited to see this year?

This year I am very very excited to see Matt and Kim, Punitive Damage, Kill Lincoln, Big D and the Kids Table, Machinist seems like a cool band off the top of my head. My schedule is packed and I haven’t looked at it in a while lol

Yeah my schedule is pretty full too. I'm probably going to miss some for sure, so many conflicts for me!

Have a favorite FEST memory you want to share?

Idkkk there’s so many! The time Sweet Gloom let me sing Blitzkrieg Bop during their Ramones cover set, the time when we got to sing Heart Shaped Guitar with Maura Weaver, Direct Hit playing Brainless God.

Sounds great!

Ok, we literally are already out of time here.

What do you like most about FEST, what's your favorite thing?

My favorite part of fest is honestly registration. I love just chatting with everyone and sharing beers and memories. That’s where I had my first Malort shot, that’s where I walked up and down with Dany and Emily singing our rendition of “Bare necessities” but instead it was “Fest necessities”


Folks if you see Jordan and his wife Sam tell them hi because they are two very rad people. If you're wondering how I know this just ask me when you see me! This is the last interview for this series because I need to pack and get on the road soon!

Obviously I'll tell you to follow, like, subscribe, all that stuff because the more people I get to Infotain the better I feel about life! See you in line, and at the Copyrights sets singing my lungs out for our missing friend Emily. You're always in our hearts.


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